While my first career took me travelling around the world, it is after having my first child that I decided to go back to my roots (My father is a surgeon/doctor with a keen interest for natural healing, my mother was a cranial sacral therapist with gold fingers) and study Naturopathy and Herbal Medicine at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London. During my five years of training, I covered anatomy and physiology, naturopathy and herbal medicine. I was lucky to learn from teachers who all nurtured different interests for Western Herbal Traditions, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Science based Phytotherapy... Upon receiving my qualifications, I was given an award for Clinical Aptitude. 

While I have set up my practice at home, in South East London, you will still find me studying and researching. I recently finished some post-graduate courses in Aromatherapy at the Tisserand Institute and currently studying the Clinical Mastership Programme at the Kharrazian Institute to be an Advanced Functional Medicine Practitionner.

Consultations can be held in both French and English language.